Rocinante! Rocinante!

Venue: London Met, 166 - 200 Holloway Road, N7 8DB
Date: Saturday 3 July 2010
Time: 2pm
Tickets: £3 on the door (subject to availability).
A surreal poetic tale in grotesque style Rocinante! Rocinante! is a devised piece mainly inspired by Cervantes's Don Quixote and Hamlet by Shakespeare. The piece explores a variety of themes related to memory and loss. It challenges the conventional dualistic vision of the world and its separation between life and death, reality and illusion..sanity and madness. The piece is highly physical and suffused with the spectacle and grotesque humour of commedia dell'Arte and Spanish Golden Age integrating masks, clownery and mime. Both conceptually and aesthetically it is homage to the work of the great polish director Tadeusz Kantor; the title itself mirrors his famous production Wielopole! Wielopole!
From Panta Rei Theatre; a collective of international artists. Rocinante! Rocinante! cast Roberta Edwards, Juancho Gonzalez, Alexander Roberts, Almudena Segura, Stephanie Thorpe, Jessica Tyler, Kari Vidarsson, Tommy Williamson and Anna Zehentbauer; directed by Chiara D'Anna. Original music composed by Steve Mason. Photo by Lubos Horvat.
Age 14+